AùKû-Käa aûhðòK Kû~ðýKâc _ûAñ
Photo Gallery
Celebration of World Earth Day by CES
Celebration of Earth Day by CES
Celebration of Earth Day-2011 by CES
Celebrating Coastal Clean-up Day by Puri Eco-club Members
Celebrating Coastal Clean-up Day-2011 by Puri Eco-club Members
Celeberation of Coastal cleanup day in association with Puri ecoclub students
Beautiful Garden by BS High School, Sundargarh
Beautiful Garden by Anchalik High School, Ghana
Avenue plantation by the eco club members of Barahpragana High School, Khandiahat, Kendrapara
Ambiki High School, Ersama, JSPur
A rally to make polythene free by Students of Nuapada District
A mass rally organised by Ramjee High School, Bolangir